when it comes to the best ways to help our dogs get along with other dogs, we need to set them up for success, manage the environment and actively monitor their interactions.
Not every dog walk is going to be perfect, but if you have a plan and know what you and your dog want to get out of it before you go, each one will be better than the last.
In humans, unhealthy habits can shorten our life spans-and the same is true for pets. Help to ensure your pet leads a long and happy life with this health and fitness plan for dogs and cats.
Every time you walk into a store that sells pet toys, you naturally want to buy every new chew toy, stuffed toy, or doggie treat that catches your eye.
Do you have a family vacation coming up in the near future and plan on taking your pooch along with you? Well, with all the pet-friendly hotels and pet specialty restaurants available, more and more families are traveling with their pets these days.